Family : Erinaceidae
Species : Echinosorex gymnura
Head-Body Length : up to 40 cm
Tail Length : up to 29 cm
Weight : up to 1.1 kg
The unique Moonrat, first
described by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1822, is a relatively large insectivore
which inhabits lowland primary and secondary rainforest, swamp forest and
sometimes mangrove. It occurs in many parts of mainland and insular
Southeast Asia, up to around 1000 metres elevation.
This terrestrial mammal prefers areas of soft soil where it can dig for soft-bodied invertebrates, such as earthworms and insect grubs. It is also known
to consume forest floor animals such as frogs and other small vertebrates.
The Moonrat is easily identified by its body size, pointed snout and short
legs. The fur on its head and front part of the body is white or
creamy-white, sometimes with an orange tinge, while the rear half of its
body and tail are typically black. Some populations, however, are completely
white, especially on the island of Borneo.
The texture of the fur is shaggy, with soft underfur and coarse outer fur.
The fur around the eyes may be dark, sometimes forming a mask. The tail is
relatively long, scaly and dark, but paler towards the tip.
This secretive animal has a strong, ammonia smell which probably helps to
deter predators. It is nocturnal in habits, and roosts by day in hollow logs
or abandoned burrows.
The Moonrat occurs in southern Myanmar, southern Thailand, Peninsular
Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo. There are no reliable records from Singapore,
where its status is considered as 'doubtful'.
Fig 1 : An adult Moonrat photographed during a rain shower in Maliau Basin
Conservation Area, Sabah, Borneo - judging by the mud on its face it appears
to have been disturbed whilst digging for prey in soft soil. Photo thanks to Oliver Wearn.
Fig 2 : A Moonrat crossing a logging track in Peninsular Malaysia.
Fig 3 : Lowland forest in Peninsular Malaysia - typical
habitat favoured by the Moonrat.
References :
Francis, C.M. 2019. A Field Guide to the Mammals of South-east Asia. Second
Edition. New Holland. 416 pp.