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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2025 |
Freshwater fishes of Southeast Asia |
Awareness of the amazing diversity of Southeast Asia's
marine fishes is high: coral reefs, for example,
are highly photogenic. The diversity of freshwater aquatic systems,
such as forest streams, swamps, pools and lakes is much less appreciated.
The species illustrated on this web page thus serve as an introduction to
this incredible diversity.
All images in this section are taken in natural habitat:
the perspective is that of an observer standing
next to a forest stream peering down into the
On this page, the names of introduced freshwater fish species are in
Bonytongues (Osteoglossiformes :
Notopteridae, Osteoglossidae) |
Bronze Featherback
Notopterus notopterus |
Asian Arowana
Scleropages formosus |
Mahseer (Cypriniformes :
Cyprinidae : Torinae) |
Kelah (Malayan Mahseer)
Tor tambroides |
Barbs, Tiger Barbs, Sebarau (Cypriniformes :
Cyprinidae : Smiliogastrinae) |
Bigspot (Malayan Clown) Barb
Barbodes dunckeri
Spanner Barb
Barbodes lateristriga
Indochinese Spotted Barb
Barbodes rhombeus
Tinfoil Barb
Barbodes schwanenfeldii
Bornean Spotted Barb
Barbodes sealei
Saddle Barb
Barbodes sellifer |
Striped Barb
Desmopuntius johorensis |
Six-banded Tiger Barb
Desmopuntius hexazona |
Sumatran Tiger Barb
Puntigrus tetrazona |
Hampala macrolepidota |
Bony-lipped Barbs, Krai (Cypriniformes :
Cyprinidae : Cyprininae (+ Labeoninae)) |
Hasselt's Bony-lipped Barb
Osteochilus vittatus |
Waandersii's Bony-lipped Barb
Osteochilus waandersii |
Hypsibarbus sp. |
Rasboras, Danios, Shark-minnows (Cypriniformes :
Cyprinidae : Danioninae) |
Malayan Pygmy Rasbora
Boraras maculatus
Rosefin Rasbora
Rasbora dusonensis
Einthoven's Rasbora
Rasbora einthovenii
Two-spot Rasbora
Rasbora elegans
Harlequin Rasbora
Trigonostigma heteromorpha |
Pearl Danio
Danio albolineatus |
Queen Danio
Devario regina |
Apollo Shark-minnow
Luciosoma setigerum |
Loaches (Cypriniformes : Nemacheilidae &
Cobitidae) |
Grey-banded Loach
Nemacheilus selangoricus |
Spotted Eel-loach
Pangio muraeniformis |
Catfishes (Siluriformes : Siluridae & Clariidae)
Hasselt's Leaf Catfish
Silurichthys hasseltii |
Common Walking Catfish
Clarias batrachus |
Forest Walking Catfish
Clarias leiacanthus |
Slender Walking Catfish
Clarias nieuhofii |
Eels (Synbranchiformes : Synbranchidae),
Spiny Eels (Synbranchiformes : Mastacembelidae)
Asian Swamp Eel
Monopterus javanensis |
Buff-backed Spiny Eel
Macrognathus maculatus |
Zebra Spiny Eel
Macrognathus zebrinus |
Toothcarps (Cyprinodontiformes : Aplocheilidae,
Poeciliidae) |
Aplocheilus armatus |
Poecilia reticulata |
Common Molly
Poecilia sphenops |
Freshwater halfbeaks & needlefishes (Beloniformes : Belonidae
& Hemiramphidae)
Freshwater Needlefish
Xenentodon canciloides |
Pygmy Halfbeak
Dermogenys collettei |
Forest Halfbeak
Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus |
Leaf Fishes (Perciformes : Nandidae) |
Leaf Fish
Nandus nebulosus |
Climbing Gouramies (Perciformes : Anabantidae) |
Asian Climbing Perch
Anabas testudineus |
Bettas, Gouramies, Pikeheads (Perciformes :
Osphronemidae) |
Forest Betta
Betta pugnax |
Giant Gouramy
Osphronemus goramy |
Three-spot Gouramy
Trichopodus trichopterus |
Croaking Gouramy
Trichopsis vittata |
Malayan Pikehead
Luciocephalus pulcher |
Snakeheads (Perciformes : Channidae) |
Dwarf Snakehead
Channa limbatus |
Channa lucius |
Channa melasoma |
Snakehead or Toman
Channa micropeltes |
Snakehead, Aruan
Channa striata |
Commonly introduced cichlids (Perciformes :
Cichlidae) |
Cichla orinocensis / temensis
Geophagus altifrons
Oreochromis mossambicus