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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2025 |
Snakes of Southeast Asia |
Southeast Asia's snakes exhibit a remarkable diversity of colour, patterning,
shape and size. Equally diverse are their habits and behaviour.
Some species, such as the
White-bellied Blind Snake, spend virtually their entire lives burrowing in
the tropical soil. Others, such as the
Big-eye Whip Snake and
Elegant Bronzeback, are master
climbers which can easily ascend vertical tree trunks or navigate their way
amongst the most slender of branches. The most amazing of tree
dwellers are of the genus Chrysopelea, such as the
Paradise Tree Snake : these 'flying
snakes' can glide from tree to tree by flattening their body to trap a cushion
of air beneath.
Many species, such as the Puff-faced
Water Snake, have found their niche in tropical streams and ponds, while
others can survive in mangrove habitat, spending much of their lives
semi-submerged. Sea Snakes have taken a watery life to the extreme and are
true marine dwellers, though they still need to surface to breathe.
Presented here are a selection of the regions snakes to illustrate this amazing
diversity ... |
Blind Snakes (Typhlopidae)
Blind snakes are burrowing snakes that inhabit
loose soil and leaf litter; they are rarely seen at
the surface.
Globally around 300 species are known. Numerous forms occur in Southeast
Asia, mainly of the genera Argyrophis, Malayotyphlops and
Ramphotyphlops. These snakes are circular in cross-section, with a
small head, small vestigial eyes, and a tail which has a pointed scale at
the tip. They feed on soft-bodied invertebrates and the eggs of ants and
termites. Some examples:
White-bellied Blind Snake
Argyrophis muelleri |
Brahminy Blind Snake
Ramphotyphlops braminus |
Lined (Striped) Blind Snake
Ramphotyphlops lineatus |
Burmese Python
Python bivittatus |
Reticulated Python
Malayopython reticulatus |
Sunbeam Snakes
(Xenopeltidae) |
Sunbeam Snake
Xenopeltis unicolor |
Asian Pipe Snakes (Cylindrophiidae)
Pipe snakes are fossorial (burrowing) snakes that inhabit loose
soil and leaf litter, and are seldom encountered at surface. Their
body is cylindrical in form, the head is the same width as the body, and
the eyes are small. These are non-venomous snakes, but the flattened tail
may be raised as a warning to potential predators. They are widely
distributed in Southeast Asia and, as of 2018,
fifteen species have been
described. Some examples:
Jodi's Pipe Snake
Cylindrophis jodiae |
Black Pipe Snake
Cylindrophis melanotus |
Red-tailed Pipe Snake
Cylindrophis ruffus
File Snakes (Acrochordidae)
These are aquatic
snakes with loose, baggy skin, small rough scales, and eyes located on top
of the head. Just 3 species are recognised, of the genus Acrochordus,
all of which occur in Southeast Asia (with the easternmost species, the
Arafura File Snake, present on the south coast of New Guinea and northern
Australia). File snakes mainly inhabit coastal marine waters, but the
Elephant Trunk Snake also occurs in freshwater. File snakes mainly prey on a
variety of fishes. Examples:
Banded File Snake
Acrochordus granulatus |
Blunt-headed Slug Snake
Aplopeltura boa
Smooth Slug Snake
Asthenodipsas laevis
Mirkwood Forest Slug Snake
Asthenodipsas lasgalensis
Mountain Slug Snake
Asthenodipsas vertebralis
Keeled Slug Snake
Pareas carinatus
White-spotted Slug Snake
Pareas margaritophorus |
Pit Vipers
Pit Vipers are so-called as they possess heat-sensing pits located between
the eyes and nostrils with which they detect prey. Within SE Asia, 7
genera occur, comprising around 50 species or so; most are classified as
Trimeresurus (= Asian lanceheads) or Tropidolaemus (= temple
vipers), the latter being extremely sexually dimorphic. Other genera in SE
Asia include Azemiops, Calloselasma, Daboia,
Ovophis and Protobothrops. Some examples of lanceheads and
temple vipers:
White-lipped Pit
Trimeresurus albolabris
Siamese Peninsula Pit Viper
Trimeresurus fucatus
Hagen's Pit
Trimeresurus hageni
Cameron Highlands Pit
Trimeresurus nebularis
Shore Pit Viper
Sumatran Pit
Trimeresurus sumatranus
Vogel's Green Pit
Trimeresurus vogeli
Broad-banded Pit Viper
Tropidolaemus laticinctus |
Bornean Keeled Pit Viper
Tropidolaemus subannulatus |
Wagler's Pit Viper
Tropidolaemus wagleri
Water Snakes
(Homalopsidae) |
Dog-faced Water Snake
Cerberus schneiderii
Rainbow Water Snake
Enhydris enhydris
Long-tailed Mud Snake
Enhydris longicauda
Crab-eating Water Snake
Fordonia leucobalia
Gerard's Water Snake
Gerarda prevostiana
Puff-faced Water Snake
Homalopsis buccata |
Grey Water Snake
Hypsiscopus plumbea |
Blackwater Mud Snake
Phytolopsis punctata |
Bocourt's Mud Snake
Subsessor bocourti |
Terrestrial elapids : Kraits, Coral Snakes, Cobras etc.
(Elapidae) |
Banded Krait
Bungarus fasciatus
Red-headed Krait
Bungarus flaviceps
Blue Malayan Coral Snake
Calliophis bivirgatus
Banded Malayan Coral Snake
Calliophis intestinalis
MacClelland's Coral Snake
Sinomicrurus macclellandi
Monocled Cobra
Naja kaouthia |
Southern Philippine Cobra
Naja samarensis |
Indochinese Spitting Cobra
Naja siamensis |
Equatorial Spitting Cobra
Naja sumatrana |
King Cobra
Ophiophagus hannah |
Sea Snakes
(Elapidae, Hydrophiinae)
As of 2018, more than 70
species of sea snake are recognised, in 17 genera. These snakes are highly
adapted to the marine environment, for example their laterally
compressed tails makes them efficient swimmers, they can close off their nostrils to prevent water ingress and
they are able to expel excessive salt build-up efficiently. The genus
Hydrophis comprises around half of all species (snakes
in the
genus Laticauda, are
not considered to be 'true sea snakes' as they possess fewer such
adaptations). Many sea snakes are highly venomous and should be approached
with caution. Some examples:
Beaded Sea Snake
Aipysurus eydouxii
Olive Sea Snake
Aipysurus laevis
Short Sea Snake
Hydrophis curtus
Striped Sea Snake
Hydrophis fasciatus
Beaked Sea Snake
Hydrophis schistosus
Yellow-lipped Sea Krait
Laticauda colubrina
Keelbacks and Mock Vipers
(Natricidae) |
Yellow-Spotted Keelback
Fowlea flavipunctatus
Chequered Keelback
Fowlea piscator
Malayan Mountain Keelback
Hebius inas
Red Mountain Keelback
Hebius sanguineum
Sarawak Keelback
Hebius sarawacense
Speckle-bellied Keelback
Rhabdophis chrysargos
Orange-necked Keelback
Rhabdophis flaviceps
Fire-lipped Keelback
Rhabdophis murudensis
Blue-necked Keelback
Rhabdophis rhodomelas
Red-necked Keelback
Rhabdophis subminiatus
Spotted Keelback
Xenochrophis maculatus
Triangle Keelback
Xenochrophis trianguligerus
Striped Keelback
Xenochrophis vittatus
Painted Mock Viper
Psammodynastes pictus |
Common Mock Viper
Psammodynastes pulverulentus |
Whip Snakes
(Colubridae, Genus : Ahaetulla, Dryophiops)
Whip snakes are extremely slender, slow-moving, arboreal and somewhat
docile snakes, with large eyes. The genus Dryophiops comprise 2
species from Southeast Asia, which are brownish in colour. The genus
Ahaetulla comprises 9 species (as of 2018), some of which are a
startling bright green colour in the adult form: this genus is spread
between Southeast Asia and the Indian Subcontinent. Some examples:
Big-eye Green Whip Snake
Ahaetulla mycterizans |
Oriental Whip Snake
Ahaetulla prasina |
Keel-bellied Whip Snake
Dryophiops rubescens |
Flying Snakes
(Colubridae, Genus : Chrysopelea) |
Golden Tree Snake
Chrysopelea ornata |
Paradise Tree Snake
Chrysopelea paradisi |
Twin-barred Tree Snake
Chrysopelea pelias |
(Colubridae, Genus : Dendrelaphis) |
Striped Bronzeback
Dendrelaphis caudolineatus
Blue Bronzeback
Dendrelaphis cyanochloris
Elegant Bronzeback
Dendrelaphis formosus
Haas's Bronzeback
Dendrelaphis haasi
Kopstein's Bronzeback
Dendrelaphis kopsteini
Nganson Bronzeback
Dendrelaphis ngansonensis |
Sawtooth-necked Bronzeback
Dendrelaphis nigroserratus |
Painted Bronzeback
Dendrelaphis pictus |
Cohn's Bronzeback
Dendrelaphis striatus |
Mountain Bronzeback
Dendrelaphis subocularis |
Many-toothed or Collared Snakes
(Colubridae, Genus : Sibynophis) |
Mountain Many-tooth Snake
Sibynophis collaris
Black-headed Collared
Sibynophis melanocephalus |
Reed Snakes
(Colubridae, Genus : Calamaria, Macrocalamus, Pseudorabdion) |
Bicoloured Reed Snake (juv)
Calamaria bicolor
Gimlett's Reed Snake
Calamaria gimletti
Variable Reed Snake
Calamaria lumbricoidea
Collared Reed Snake
Calamaria pavimentata
Pink-headed Reed Snake
Calamaria schlegeli
Schmidt's Reed Snake
Calamaria schmidti
Chan-ard's Reed Snake
Macrocalamus chanardi |
Genting Highlands Reed Snake
Macrocalamus gentingensis |
Dwarf Reed Snake
Pseudorabdion longiceps |
Kukri Snakes
(Colubridae, Genus : Oligodon)
Kukri snakes are so-called as the rear teeth are shaped like the
traditional curved kukri knives carried by Nepalese soldiers: these
specialised teeth can slice through the eggs of small birds and reptiles
which form part of the diet of some species. They have also been
documented consuming toads. This genus is diverse: as of
2021, Reptile Database lists more than 80 recognised species, more than
half of which occur in Southeast Asia. Most are terrestrial but some
are arboreal. Nearly all species are less than one metre in length. Some examples:
Tioman Kukri Snake
Oligodon booliati
Small-banded Kukri Snake
Oligodon fasciolatus
Mouhot's Kukri Snake
Oligodon mouhoti
Ocellated Kukri Snake
Oligodon ocellatus
Eight-striped Kukri Snake
Oligodon octolineatus
Brown Kukri Snake
Oligodon purpurascens |
Barred Kukri Snake
Oligodon signatus |
Striped Kukri Snake
Oligodon taeniatus
(Colubridae, Genus : Coelognathus, Gonyosoma) |
Malayan Racer
Coelognathus flavolineatus |
Copperhead Racer
Coelognathus radiatus |
Red-tailed Racer
Gonyosoma oxycephalum |
Wolf Snakes & Bridle Snakes
(Colubridae, Genus : Lycodon)
Wolf snakes (so-called
because of their dentition) and the closely-related bridle snakes
(formerly Dryocalamus),
comprise around 60 species, many of which occur in Southeast Asia. These
are mainly terrestrial, but some are partly arboreal (especially the
bridle snakes). They are slender-bodied, and typical patterning comprises
alternate dark and pale banding (with some individuals totally lacking any
banding). In 2014 a
newly-discovered cave-dwelling species was described from Peninsular
Malaysia. Some examples:
Dusky Wolf Snake
Lycodon albofuscus
Mountain Wolf Snake
Lycodon butleri
Common Wolf Snake
Lycodon capucinus
Davison's Bridle Snake
Lycodon davisonii
Laotian Wolf Snake
Lycodon laoensis
Malayan Bridle Snake
Lycodon subannulatus |
Malayan Banded Wolf Snake
Lycodon subcinctus
Three-striped Bridle Snake
Lycodon tristrigatus |
Cat Snakes
(Colubridae, Genus : Boiga) |
Green Cat Snake
Boiga cyanea
Dog-toothed Cat Snake
Boiga cynodon
Gold-ringed Cat Snake
Boiga dendrophila / melanota
White-spotted Cat Snake
Boiga drapiezii
Jasper Cat Snake
Boiga jaspidea
Black-headed Cat Snake
Boiga nigriceps |
Rat Snakes
(Colubridae, Genus : Oreocryptophis, Orthriophis) |
Red Bamboo Snake
Oreocryptophis porphyraceus
Moelendorff's Rat Snake
Orthriophis moellendorffi
Cave Dwelling Snake
Orthriophis taeniurus
Rat Snakes (Colubridae, Genus :
Ptyas) Snakes of the genus Ptyas
can be considered the 'true rat snakes'. These are long, fast moving
snakes typically encountered at forest edge or in disturbed, rural
habitats. Their diet comprises rodents, frogs and other small vertebrates.
The Indochinese Rat Snake
appears to have adapted to a diet of rats found in oil palm plantations;
it is often found as roadkill in parts of rural Peninsular Malaysia.
In contrast, the
White-bellied Rat Snake is mainly a stream-dweller. As of 2021, 13
species are recognised. Some examples:
Keeled Rat Snake
Ptyas carinata
White-bellied Rat Snake
Ptyas fusca
Indochinese Rat Snake
Ptyas korros
Oriental Rat Snake
Ptyas mucosa
Many-banded Green Snake
Ptyas multicinctus
Ringnecks (Colubridae, Genus : Gongylosoma) |
Orange-bellied Ringneck
Gongylosoma baliodeirum |
Brown Snakes
(Colubridae, Genus : Xenelaphis) |
Ocellated Brown Snake
Xenelaphis ellipsifer |
Malayan Brown Snake
Xenelaphis hexagonotus |